Theory 2: Girls met Feliciano on mirador instead of 2th of April, see some photoes in mirador are taken only 6 apart. What i ask: Where where Feliciano, his boy and other gangster looking people during 1-15 of april? Why would anyone make fake phone calls exactly same time? Why not? How could someone who know about faradey cage would do so silly set up as taking photoes in the forrest from positions that it look like set up.
Also nightphotoes where made so police would think they got lost. They made those fake calls and placed Lisannes leg in the river and Krises bones, baackpag etc. They kept girls in cellar for rape or organ trafficking.
Feliciano and his boy (or any badass from the region) offered ride for girls and put their phones in faradey cage.
Lets say that girls never go to waterfalls and that swimming photo is to set up Osman. So at least ticket seller would had seen the girls UNLESS also he is involved. These waterwalls are known tourist destination. Theory 1: Girls turned back and met boys who took them to waterfalls (you all know pics of two boys (osman) and girls swimming.